Friday, April 30, 2010

Now it's time to get Sirius

See Sirius Here
See our Search and Rescue Team Here

New to this...

First a warning:  I'm new to blogging...but not new to writing.  I've loved writing (and reading) since I was very young.  I loved taking creative writing classes in school.  Now that I'm older I don't have as much time for either.  But when I do write, boy do I write.  At work I get accused of being too wordy when I get going.  I also get accused of posting my life on the web.  So I'm thinking "Hey!...Blog it!".  So I imagine that this blog will be filled with wordy and personal stuff...isn't that what blogs are for?

Now let me provide a quick introduction:  I live in Virgina, am engaged, work in the field of aquatics, and volunteer my time doing K9 search and rescue with my dog, named Sirius (thus the blog name).  I will leave it at that, as you'll learn more about Sirius, and myself, in future posts.

Lastly, a disclaimer:  The views and opinions given are soley mine.  I would imagine that I wouldn't have to say that as I guess all blogs are personal opinions...but again, I'm new to this, so bear with me, and hang in there.  My goal for this is not to change the world.  The purpose of this is just to communicate better to those interested so they can see what I'm up to.  I imagine my family, and some friends will be my only followers.  This is also to create a little mark saying "Hey, I was here".  So everyone, Here I Am!